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Library Materials Lending Service

Library Materials Lending Service:

I. For Students:

Since the school library provide e-lending service, students may use their SmartCard as the library card to borrow books.


II. For Parents:

Parents may visit the school library and apply for Parent Readers. The rules that parent readers must follow are the same as those regulating student readers.


III. Borrowing Rules:

1. You may borrow up to 3 items from the library with the use of the library card.

2. You may borrow general books and items for 2 weeks (except for textbooks) and have them returned to the school library on or before the due date.

3. You may renew the library book given that there were no registrations from other readers.

4. Please return the full collection if you borrow the full collection.

5. Please inform the librarian if there were any damages to the books or items before borrowing so that they can be fixed in time.

6. Readers should keep all borrowed items properly or they should be subject to a fine penalty if there were any damages or losses.

7. Readers should return all borrowed books and items in time or they should be subject to an overdue fine of HK$0.5 per day.


Teacher-librarian: Teacher Yip Mei Shan
Assistant Librarian: Ms Hui Ka Yee
T: 26998030
F: 26031446
