Gifted Education

Gifted Education

We believe every student is born with a unique talent.

We value students’ potential and we are devoted to bringing the students’ talent into full play.

  • Placing a high value on the diverse potential of our students, we are committed to bringing our students' talent into full play. By providing gifted education in three dimensions, we not only integrate the elements of gifted education into our school curriculum but also introduce the philosophy of gifted education to the extracurricular and after-school activities. After referring our students to sign up for gifted education class off-campus, we include students with outstanding IQ test reports or students who win awards in national competitions to the talent pool, so that they're given priority to receive letters of recommendation.
    The First Dimension:
    A:Incorporating the three elements of gifted education (complex-level thinking, creativity, and personal & social skills) into the general curriculum.
    B: In the general curriculum, students are taught in groups with some enrichment and extension in the class content of domain-specific learning.

    The Second Dimension:
    C: In addition to the general curriculum, students are taught separately in the general enrichment programme (e.g., creativity training, leadership training, etc.).
    D: In addition to the general curriculum, students are taught separately in the domain-specific extensional programme (e.g., mathematics, arts, etc.).

    The Third Dimension:
    E: In cooperation with tertiary institutions and other educational institutions/organizations, the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education provide challenging off-campus enrichment and extended learning opportunities for gifted students recommended by our school.

Developmental Milestones

2000年:Multiple intelligence classes were introduced.
2003年:The talent pool was established
2004年:The Gifted Education Resource Centre was established.
2004 - 06年:Our school has become one of the three seed schools targeted by the Education Bureau to promote gifted education. :
      The two seed projects include scientific inquiry and affective education so that our students are more deeply engaged in their studies with the combination of science and affection.
2006~today: Popularization of Gifted Education
     The First Dimension:
     - Popularization of gifted education (by training our students’ complex-level thinking skills school wide).
     - Combination of thinking and affection;
     - Play together: GO, gifted education resource center;
     - Ask questions with complex-level thinking skills;
     - Multi-aspect development;
     The Second Dimension:
     - Curriculum compacting;
     - Tiered assignments;
     - QTN Program---Share school-based experience with other schools;
     The Third Dimension:
     - Individualized Education Program

Teaching Content
  • Elements of gifted education include complex-level thinking skills, creativity, and personal and social competence. During our students' learning process, we provide our students with more independent learning spaces and open learning activities, encourage them to engage more in divergent thinking, grant them the opportunities to choose learning content according to their own interests and abilities, and allow them individual and unique ways of expression. Learning activities are carried out in the form of guided discovery as much as possible while deductive reasoning is adopted to form concepts, theories, or principles, thereby helping our students develop their complex-level thinking skills.

Teaching Strategies for General Curriculum

- Ask questions with complex-level thinking skill (e.g., tools may include 5W1H, 6 Thinking Hats, 13 hot skills, and 4 Fs of active reviewing)
- Tiered Assignments
- Flexible Grouping

Network School

In response to the invitation of the Education Bureau, we have become one of the 8 network schools that provide gifted education from 2006 to 2008. Within 2 years of the programme, we have launched 5 relevant programmes and accepted applications from gifted students of the district. In addition, we have also sent our teachers abroad to observe how gifted education was carried out in other countries. All the teachers in our school have also done considerable research on the teaching strategies for complex-level thinking skills.

Assisting Gifted Students through Home School Cooperation

In order to bring gifted students' potential into full play so that they can contribute to society in the future, parents are kindly requested to:
- Encourage their children to engage in multiple intelligence development;
- Encourage learning;
- Discuss great people and their contributions to society, people, and the nation.

Community Service

Intended to be used by our students and parents during class and spare time, the curriculum designed by our teachers and the Gifted Education Resource Centre and activities developed by our school are also used by people of the local community. With high-quality training tools, we hope to improve our students' thinking and communicate with people from all walks of life.

External Agencies and Academic Advisors

Teachers responsible for gifted education in our school often contact relevant consultants for academic and professional advice.

Developmental Direction

Carrying forward the past and opening up the future, scientific inquiry in General Studies will bring about more novel and interesting topics. In addition to curriculum compacting, we also introduced some significant and interesting activities in the form of "alternative curriculums" to broaden our students' horizons and arouse their interest in science. In order to take care of individual learner differences, our school has launched the "tiered assignments" programme in English subject for the first time ever since 2005.

School-based Gifted Education Program:

- Setting up a Gifted Education Resource Centre that assists students with multiple intelligence development.
- Receiving support directly from EDB Fung Hon Chu Gifted Education Centre.
- Incorporating elements of gifted education into the school curriculum.
- Affective education: developing leadership through public service and training complex-level thinking skills & etiquette through GO.
- Working closely with local and overseas gifted education experts.
- Cooperating with nearby secondary schools and universities in lesson planning.
- Developing pull-out enrichment class and tiered assignments.
